ZEBN Child Care Network of Services FY24 (C3480)

Grants and Contracts Details


The Kentucky Partnership for Early Childhood Services, housed at the University of Kentucky Human Development Institute (UK-HDI), shall provide coordination and leadership to support the professional development of child care providers and trainers and the quality enhancement of child care providers and programs across the Commonwealth. These supports include a statewide regional network of Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) services, which at a minimum include CCR&R services designated in KRS199.8992 and coordination of professional development delivery, attainment, and content initiatives to support CCDF programs. Professional development supports include opportunities for early care and education trainers and higher education faculty to have access to knowledge and training to develop and enhance their skills as trainers of adults who work with young children and families. Services are also provided to support access to professional development pertaining to Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA) scholarships, non- college scholarships, Commonwealth Child Care Credential, mini-grants and the development of individual professional growth plans for early care and education professionals participating in the scholarship program and coordination of quality and health/safety initiatives to support the CCDF programs. Quality enhancement supports include coordination of quality and health/safety initiatives to support the CCDF programs; and a statewide regional network of coaches to support providers/and programs in meeting licensing requirements and participation in the state Quality Rating and Improvement System.
Effective start/end date7/1/226/30/24


  • KY Department of Community Based Services


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