ZeptoBolometers II: Coupling Structures for Ultrasensitive Detectors - Mentored Research Experience for Vijai Raghunathan

Grants and Contracts Details


Future NASA missions to map the sub-millimeter radiation ofthe universe will be performed with cryogenic telescopes requiring sensors with extraordinary sensitivity. Such detectors, once achieved, will require efficient coupling structures that do not disturb the functionality of the ultrasensitive detector. Zeptobolometer performance is corrupted by coming in contact with metals (such as antennas) creating a very challenging problem. We propose two techniques for coupling to zeptobolometers, the product of a 2004 DDF to produce an ultrasensitive bolometer. Capacitive coupling ofthe antenna across a vacuum gap in a coplanar geometry can mitigate the thermal shorting that occurs with direct contact to the antenna. Low electron phonon coupling resistors, such as implanted silicon, may also provide a non-destructive way to transduce antenna signal to zeptobolometer excitations. Duties will include testing of optical coupling of antenna structures and electrical properties of circuit elements, and may include some computer modeling of components.
Effective start/end date6/1/063/31/07


  • KY Space Grant Consortium: $4,000.00


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