A genetic map of Peromyscus with chromosomal assignment of linkage groups (a Peromyscus genetic map)

Jane Kenney-Hunt, Adrienne Lewandowski, Travis C. Glenn, Julie L. Glenn, Olga V. Tsyusko, Rachel J. O'Neill, Judy Brown, Clifton M. Ramsdell, Quang Nguyen, Tony Phan, Kimberly R. Shorter, Michael J. Dewey, Gabor Szalai, Paul B. Vrana, Michael R. Felder

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

21 Scopus citations


The rodent genus Peromyscus is the most numerous and species-rich mammalian group in North America. The naturally occurring diversity within this genus allows opportunities to investigate the genetic basis of adaptation, monogamy, behavioral and physiological phenotypes, growth control, genomic imprinting, and disease processes. Increased genomic resources including a high quality genetic map are needed to capitalize on these opportunities. We produced interspecific hybrids between the prairie deer mouse (P. maniculatus bairdii) and the oldfield mouse (P. polionotus) and scored meiotic recombination events in backcross progeny. A genetic map was constructed by genotyping of backcross progeny at 185 gene-based and 155 microsatellite markers representing all autosomes and the X-chromosome. Comparison of the constructed genetic map with the molecular maps of Mus and Rattus and consideration of previous results from interspecific reciprocal whole chromosome painting allowed most linkage groups to be unambiguously assigned to specific Peromyscus chromosomes. Based on genomic comparisons, this Peromyscus genetic map covers ∼83 % of the Rattus genome and 79 % of the Mus genome. This map supports previous results that the Peromyscus genome is more similar to Rattus than Mus. For example, coverage of the 20 Rattus autosomes and the X-chromosome is accomplished with only 28 segments of the Peromyscus map, but coverage of the 19 Mus autosomes and the X-chromosome requires 40 chromosomal segments of the Peromyscus map. Furthermore, a single Peromyscus linkage group corresponds to about 91 % of the rat and only 76 % of the mouse X-chromosomes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)160-179
Number of pages20
JournalMammalian Genome
Issue number3-4
StatePublished - Apr 2014

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work was supported primarily by NIH GM069601 (MJD, TG), and also by NIH P40 OD010961 (MRF, GS) and NSF 0444165 (MRF, GS). We thank the Colony Manager of the Peromyscus Genetic Stock Center, Janet Crossland, for invaluable help in breeding and record keeping of the animals. We thank M. Peters, T. Tuberville, S. Lance, K. Jones, and A. McKee for assistance in genotyping of microsatellite loci.

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Genetics


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