Background Primer for Discussion on Diversity with the Legal Profession

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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Despite its easy use in ordinary conversation, the details of what is meant when
a speaker raises questions relating to "diversity" can be more complicated than
they at first appear. The materials included here seek to map the more
predominant landmarks on that intellectual landscape. While they cannot pause
to linger over every topic, we should recognize that many of the undiscussed
elements can also be extremely important, and that the facts of any specific
example can be highly emotionally charged and fraught with legal complications.
The focus of the present discussion, though, is not on responses to such
moments of breakdown, but on the earlier opportunities when members of the
profession, through consistent attention and ethical commitment, can work to
improve weak spots in the responses to diversity challenges.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publication2015 Diversity and Inclusion Summit
StatePublished - Apr 10 2015


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