Comparison of combined spinal-epidural and low dose epidural for labour analgesia

D. L. Hepner, R. R. Gaiser, T. G. Cheek, B. B. Gutsche

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47 Scopus citations


Purpose: To compare the combined spinal-epidural (CSE) technique with the epidural technique with regard to time to initiate and manage, motor block, onset of analgesia and satisfaction during labour. Methods: Upon requesting analgesia, 50 healthy term parturients were randomized in a prospective, double-blind fashion to receive either CSE analgesia or lumbar epidural analgesia in the labour floor of a university hospital at an academic medical centre. The epidural group (n = 24) received bupivacaine 0.0625%-fentanyl 0.0002% with 0.05 ml in 10 ml local anesthetic sodium bicarbonate 8.4% and epinephrine 1:200, 000. The CSE group (n = 26) received intrathecal 25 μg fentanyl and 2.5 mg bupivacaine. Additional analgesia was provided upon maternal request. Results: There were no differences (P > 0.05) in time to perform either technique, motor blockade, or parturient satisfaction or in the number of times that the anesthesiologist was called to perform any intervention. Although the first sign of analgesia was not different between the two groups, the onset of complete analgesia was more rapid with the CSE technique (Visual Analogue Pain Score (VAPS) at five minutes < three: 26/26 vs 17/24, P ± 0.001). Conclusion: Although epidural analgesia with a low concentration of local anesthetic and opioid mixture takes longer to produce complete analgesia, it is a satisfactory alternative to CSE.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)232-236
Number of pages5
JournalCanadian Journal of Anesthesia
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2000

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine


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