Defining the age-dependent and tissue-specific circadian transcriptome in male mice

Christopher A Wolff, Miguel A Gutierrez-Monreal, Lingsong Meng, Xiping Zhang, Lauren G Douma, Hannah M Costello, Collin M Douglas, Elnaz Ebrahimi, Ann Pham, Aline C Oliveira, Chunhua Fu, Amy Nguyen, Bryan R Alava, Stuart J Hesketh, Andrew R Morris, Mehari M Endale, G Ryan Crislip, Kit-Yan Cheng, Elizabeth A Schroder, Brian P DelisleAndrew J Bryant, Michelle L Gumz, Zhiguang Huo, Andrew C Liu, Karyn A Esser

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Cellular circadian clocks direct a daily transcriptional program that supports homeostasis and resilience. Emerging evidence has demonstrated age-associated changes in circadian functions. To define age-dependent changes at the systems level, we profile the circadian transcriptome in the hypothalamus, lung, heart, kidney, skeletal muscle, and adrenal gland in three age groups. We find age-dependent and tissue-specific clock output changes. Aging reduces the number of rhythmically expressed genes (REGs), indicative of weakened circadian control. REGs are enriched for the hallmarks of aging, adding another dimension to our understanding of aging. Analyzing differential gene expression within a tissue at four different times of day identifies distinct clusters of differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Increased variability of gene expression across the day is a common feature of aged tissues. This analysis extends the landscape for understanding aging and highlights the impact of aging on circadian clock function and temporal changes in gene expression.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)111982
JournalCell Reports
Issue number1
StateE-pub ahead of print - Jan 9 2023

Bibliographical note

Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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