
Introduction: This study uses the Exploration, Preparation, Implementation, and Sustainment (EPIS) model to retrospectively describe the mail-based overdose education and naloxone distribution (OEND) program developed in collaboration with the Kentucky Department of Corrections (DOC) for use in the HEALing Communities Study in Kentucky (HCS-KY) and details the reach of this innovative delivery model. Methods: HCS-KY is a community-engaged cluster-randomized trial assessing the effects of implementing evidence-based practices, including OEND, on overdose death reduction across 16 communities highly impacted by the opioid epidemic in Kentucky.6 The study launch coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic. All coalitions in the 16 HCS-KY counties selected OEND implementation in community supervision offices; however, pandemic limitations on in-person reporting made face-to-face OEND unfeasible. This study uses the EPIS phases to understand how the unique inner and outer contextual factors of the pandemic drove innovation, including five implementation strategies to promote the mail-based OEND program. Internal study management trackers data measured implementation reach. Results: Implementation occurred in all 16 counties. All promotional strategies used in the first 8 counties (Wave 1) were carried over to the second 8 counties (Wave 2), except letters were not sent to community supervision clients in Wave 2 counties. Across both waves, 1759 people accessed the Typeform™ website to receive overdose education, complete a brief demographic survey, and 1696 had naloxone shipped to their homes. Greater reach occurred in Wave 1 and in rural counties. Of the participants, 81.13 % were white, 61.17 % were female, 51.79 % were between the ages of 35–54, 18.82 % had previously experienced an overdose, and 69.07 % had witnessed an overdose. Sites sustained three of the five implementation strategies for publicizing the OEND website at the study's end but not letters and texting. Conclusions: Mail-based OEND programs are an appropriate delivery method for ensuring access to life-saving medication for people on community supervision and may encourage treatment. Strategies to promote the OEND program that were high-effort for agency and study staff, such as letters, or high-cost, such as texting, were not sustainable. Implications for OEND best practices, including innovative technology use within community supervision settings are addressed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number209618
JournalJournal of substance use and addiction treatment
StatePublished - Mar 2025

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 Elsevier Inc.


  • Community supervision
  • COVID-19
  • Implementation strategies
  • Mail-based OEND program
  • Overdose education and naloxone distribution (OEND)

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Medicine (miscellaneous)
  • Psychiatry and Mental health
  • Psychiatric Mental Health


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