Detachment of transformed cells - Role of CD44 variants

Carlos Santos, Karen Chandler, Stephen Zimmer, Paul B. Fisher, Ursula Gunthert, Kimberly Ward Anderson

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3 Scopus citations


A parallel-plate flow chamber was used to quantify the detachment of normal cloned rat embryo fibroblasts (CREF) fibroblasts, ras-transformed CREF fibroblasts (CREF T24), and CREF T24 fibroblasts transfected with a Krev/RAP1A suppressor gene (HK B1) from a confluent monolayer of normal CREF fibroblasts to determine if the expression patterns of CD44 variants (mol wt 110 and 140 kDa) corresponded with detachment properties and metastatic potential. In the detachment assay, known shear stresses ranging from 20-24 dyn/cm2 were applied to the adherent cells and the number of cells detached from the monolayer after 180 s was determined. Results showed that cellular expression of CD44 variants correlated with the metastatic potential of the cells and with the cells' ability to detach from a monolayer of normal cells. Western blot analysis showed a low level of expression of the CD44 variants in the normal cell line, CREF, and the lowly metastatic cell line, HK B1. Detachment studies showed a low percentage of detachment of both of these cell lines from a normal cell monolayer. Tumor-derived (HK B1-T) and lung nodule-derived (HK B1-M) cell lines were established and both formed tumors and metastasis with reduced latency periods as compared to HK B1, but still showed a markedly delayed latency period compared to the highly metastatic cell line, CREF T24. Both of these cell lines showed a higher expression of the CD44 variants as compared to CREF and HK B1, and detached easier than CREF and HK B1. CREF T24 showed a much higher level of expression of the variants and had a higher percentage detachment than all other cell lines. To further test the role of the CD44 variants in the ability of the cells to detach from the normal monolayer, CREF cells were transfected with a DNA construct that constitutively expresses the CD44 variants and the detachment properties of three randomly selected clones were studied. Clones 2 and 3 showed a low level of expression of the CD44 variants after transfection and detached from the normal monolayer similar to CREF. Clone 1 showed a high level of expression of the CD44 variants and the detachment of these cells was significantly higher than CREF. From these results, it is concluded that in the five cell lines studied, expression of the CD44 variants play a significant role in the ability of the cells to detach from a monolayer of normal cells. It is hypothesized that this detachment may be an important component of a cell's ability to metastasize.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-19
Number of pages19
JournalCell Biophysics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Feb 1995


  • CD44
  • Cancer
  • adhesion
  • flow chamber
  • metastasis

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Biophysics
  • Cell Biology


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