Embracing Change: UK Medical Center Library’s Covid-19 Pandemic Experience

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Over the previous five years, the MCL has experienced substantial change related to staffing, space, service models, and curricular relationships. Many of these changes were separate from the COVID-19 pandemic, but ultimately shaped our response during the pandemic. The MCL had seen many retirements accompanied by an institutional hiring freeze, which left the library understaffed during the height of the pandemic. In addition, we saw an increase in requests for research and educational assistance. This included systematic reviews and other evidence syntheses, bibliometric research, and recorded learning modules. The combination of less staffing and more work led us to think of unique ways to provide services. These changes have left a lasting impact on how we are providing services as we transition out of the pandemic. Throughout this paper, we have highlighted some of the projects we undertook during the pandemic and the ways they have shaped how we are moving forward.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)24
Number of pages28
JournalKentucky Libraries
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2022


  • COVID-19
  • Libraries
  • Health Sciences Libraries
  • Medical Libraries
  • Change
  • service models


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