Expression of β amyloid protein precursor mRNAs: Recognition of a novel alternatively spliced form and quantitation in alzheimer's disease using PCR

Todd E. Golde, Steven Estus, Marianne Usiak, Linda H. Younkin, Steven G. Younkin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

408 Scopus citations


We have analyzed alternatively spliced β amyloid protein precursor (βAPP) mRNAs by using the polymerase chain reaction to amplify OAPP cDNAs produced by reverse transcription. With this approach the three previously characterized (βAPP mRNAs (βAPP695, βAPP751, and (βAPP770) are readily detected and compared in RNA samples extracted from specimens as small as a single cryostat section. We show that the results obtained with this method are not affected by partial RNA degradation and use it to identify a novel alternatively spliced βAPP714 mRNA that is present at low abundance in each of the many human brain regions, peripheral tissues, and cell lines that we have examined; demonstrate that nonneuronal cells in the adult human brain and meninges produce appreciable (βAPPb695, βAPP751 and βAPP770 mRNA; and identify changes in (βAPP gene expression in the AD brain and meninges that may contribute to amyloid deposition.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)253-267
Number of pages15
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 1990

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
We thank the morticians at University Hospitals in Cleveland (E. Kubu, R. Schnierer, S. Shopp, J. Skerl, F. Sabo, J. Verdone, and J. Wenzel) fortheir support in our acquisition of theautopsy tissue and Drs. T Rosenberry and J. Nilson for reviewing the manuscript. This work was supported by USPHS grants AGO6656 (S. G. Y.), MH43444 (S. G. Y.), 5T32CM0250 (1 E. G.), 5T32AGOO105 (S. E.), by the Keck Foundation (S. G. Y.), and by a grant from the State of Ohio (S. C. Y.).

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Neuroscience


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