Extensive in situ activation of nuclear estrogen receptors after exposure of murine uteri to [3h]estradiol or [3h]4-hydroxytamoxifen

Edward J. Pavlik, Katherine Nelson, John R. Van Nagell, Elvis S. Donaldson, Martha Lee Walden, Holly Gallion, Daniel E. Kenady

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3 Scopus citations


Estrogen receptor activation has been examined in murine uteri by characterizing binding to ATP-Sepharose. Determinations were performed under conditions in which specific binding to estrogen receptors was demonstrated by both agonist and antagonist without participation by honreceptor antiestrogen-binding components: Cell-free activation of estrogen receptors in cytbsol was more effectively promoted by [3H] estradiol than by [3H]4-hydroxytamoxifen or [3H]tamoxifen aziridine. However, when in situ activation was examined after intact uteri were exposed to [3H]estfadiol or [3H]4-hydroxytamoxifen, virtually all extracted nuclear receptors demonstrated activated binding to ATP-Sepharose within 20 min of hormone exposure. Profiles of nuclear receptor activation were remarkably similar after exposure to either agonist or antagonist. Estrogen receptors in cytosol prepared after exposing intact uteri to 3H-labeled ligands were characterized by much less ability to bind to ATP-Sepharose than nuclear receptors. After uteri were exposed to [3H]estradiol, the activated receptor fraction in the cytbsol progressively increased in contrast to preparations Obtained after uteri were exposed to [3H]4-hydroxytamoxifen, which demonstrated a constant level of activation. Thus, even when activation has occurred within the intact uterus, agonists and antagonists may be characterized by different apparent levels of receptor activation in the cytosol fraction. These differences in the cytosol, however, are considerably overshadowed by the extensive activation occurring within the nuclear fraction, which we have observed to be similar with agonist and antagonist. Since estrogen receptors appear to act within chromatin, and cytosol receptors may be produced by receptor redistribution during preparation, we interpret these observations to indicate that in situ receptor activation is very similar after exposure to either agonist or antagonist. Consequently, antagonism ddes not appear to be associated with antiestrogens that impede receptor activation within intact murine uteri.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1608-1614
Number of pages7
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 1987

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Endocrinology


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