Flowering requirements of Polymnia canadensis (Asteraceae) and their influence on its life history variation

Martin H. Bender, Jerry M. Baskin, Carol C. Baskin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

14 Scopus citations


The purpose of this study is to determine the flowering requirements of Polymnia canadensis and how they correspond to the occurrence of winter annuals, biennials, and short-lived monocarpic perennials in this species. Polymnia canadensis has a vernalization requirement for flowering, and even very small plants (i.e., those with one pair of leaves) can be vernalized. Vernalized plants can flower under both long- and short days. However, to flower plants must attain a minimum postvernalization size. Plants of this primarily monocarpic species that do not die after they flower once require another period of vernalization to flower a second time (i.e., to be dicarpic). Vernalized plants exposed to high temperatures can be devernalized; these must be re-vernalized in order to flower.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)113-124
Number of pages12
JournalPlant Ecology
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2002


  • Devernalization
  • Facultative biennial
  • Photoperiod
  • Postvernalization size for flowering
  • Prevernalization size for flowering
  • Vernalization

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Ecology
  • Plant Science


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