Genetic and antigenic analysis of the influenza virus responsible for the 1992 Hong Kong equine influenza epizootic

Alexander C.K. Lai, Yi Pu Lin, David G. Powell, Kennedy F. Shortridge, Robert G. Webster, Janet Daly, Thomas M. Chambers

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18 Scopus citations


An outbreak of influenza occurred among thoroughbred racehorses in Hong Kong in November-December 1992, with morbidity of 37%. All horses involved had been vaccinated against equine-1 and equine influenza viruses but not against the virus responsible for the 1989 equine influenza outbreak in northern China (influenza A/equine/Jilin/89, subtype H3N8). Therefore the source and nature of the virus causing the Hong Kong outbreak was investigated. Virus isolated from a horse infected during the outbreak was used for genetic analysis. All the viral gene segments were similar to those of equine-2 (H3N8) influenza viruses and unrelated to those of equine/Jilin/89 virus. The nucleotide sequence of the viral hemagglutinin gene showed high homology (99.4%) to that of influenza A/equine/Suffolk/89 (H3N8) virus which has circulated extensively in Europe. However, these viruses differed in their antigenic reactivity to a panel of monoclonal antibodies. Preliminary epizootiological information plus the concordance of amino acid sequence between hemagglutinins of the Hong Kong isolate and a contemporaneous equine-e influenza virus isolate from the United Kingdom indicated that the probable source of the Hong Kong outbreak was horses recently imported from England or Ireland.

Original languageEnglish
Article number71583
Pages (from-to)673-679
Number of pages7
Issue number2
StatePublished - Nov 1 1994

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Virology


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