High-efficiency resonant rf spin rotator with broad phase space acceptance for pulsed polarized cold neutron beams

P. N. Seo, L. Barrón-Palos, J. D. Bowman, T. E. Chupp, C. Crawford, M. Dabaghyan, M. Dawkins, S. J. Freedman, T. Gentile, M. T. Gericke, R. C. Gillis, G. L. Greene, F. W. Hersman, G. L. Jones, M. Kandes, S. Lamoreaux, B. Lauss, M. B. Leuschner, R. Mahurin, M. MasonJ. Mei, G. S. Mitchell, H. Nann, S. A. Page, S. I. Penttilä, W. D. Ramsay, A. Salas Bacci, S. Santra, M. Sharma, T. B. Smith, W. M. Snow, W. S. Wilburn, H. Zhu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

24 Scopus citations


High precision fundamental neutron physics experiments have been proposed for the intense pulsed spallation neutron beams at JSNS, LANSCE, and SNS to test the standard model and search for new physics. Certain systematic effects in some of these experiments have to be controlled at the few ppb level. The NPDGamma experiment, a search for the small parity-violating γ-ray asymmetry Aγ in polarized cold neutron capture on parahydrogen, is one example. For the NPDGamma experiment we developed a radio-frequency resonant spin rotator to reverse the neutron polarization in a 9.5cm×9.5cm pulsed cold neutron beam with high efficiency over a broad cold neutron energy range. The effect of the spin reversal by the rotator on the neutron beam phase space is compared qualitatively to rf neutron spin flippers based on adiabatic fast passage. We discuss the design of the spin rotator and describe two types of transmission-based neutron spin-flip efficiency measurements where the neutron beam was both polarized and analyzed by optically polarized He3 neutron spin filters. The efficiency of the spin rotator was measured at LANSCE to be 98.8±0.5% for neutron energies from 3 to 20 meV over the full phase space of the beam. Systematic effects that the rf spin rotator introduces to the NPDGamma experiment are considered.

Original languageEnglish
Article number084701
JournalPhysical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 6 2008

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics
  • Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
  • Surfaces and Interfaces


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