Interferon-γ: The major mediator of resistance against Toxoplasma gondii

Yasuhiro Suzuki, Manuel A. Orellana, Robert D. Schreiber, Jack S. Remington

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

988 Scopus citations


Mice were injected with a monoclonal antibody to interferon-γ to examine the importance of endogenous production of this lymphokine in resistance against infection with the sporozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Mice with intraperitoneal infections of T. gondii that received no antibody survived and developed chronic T. gondii infection, whereas the infected mice that received the monoclonal antibody died of toxoplasmosis. The activation of macrophages, which kill T. gondii in vivo, was inhibited by administration of the monoclonal antibody, but the production of antibodies to T. gondii was not suppressed. The fact that an antibody to interferon-γ can eliminate resistance to acute Toxoplasma infection in mice suggests that this lymphokine is an important mediator of host resistance to this parasite.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)516-518
Number of pages3
Issue number4851
StatePublished - 1988


FundersFunder number
National Childhood Cancer Registry – National Cancer InstituteR01CA043059

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