
Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


This essay introduces a collection of “think pieces”— conceptual, theoretical, editorial, normative essays on geography and race/racism. The collected essays follow from a National Science Foundation and Canadian Embassy – funded workshop on race and geography held in 1998. This introduction provides a brief background summary of the social and disciplinary context for the workshop and for scholarly work on race and geography, and a brief summary and thematic categorization of the individual essays gathered here.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-5
Number of pages5
JournalProfessional Geographer
Issue number1
StatePublished - Feb 1 2002

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
1National Science Foundation award number 9810655 (Geography and Regional Science). 2This observation is attributed to David Delaney, who made it in his NSF workshop position paper. 3Of course, race in a different guise was a relatively constant source of fascination for nineteenth-and early twentieth-century geographers, as Living-stone (1992), among others, has so aptly shown. 4Kodras also attended the conference on behalf of the AAG, as did I, as an alternate when James Johnson of University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill could not attend. Both of us also prepared re-ports for that conference based on our own work. 5Introduced by Linda Peake and Richard Schein, the papers collected in this issue of the Journal of Social and Cultural Geography represent a selection of the more empirical papers from the workshop. 6To access the Kodras report and the NSF literature review, see race_and_geography_workshop.htm.7Participants in the National Science Foundation/ Canadian Embassy–sponsored workshop included: Kay Anderson, Perry Carter, Michael Crutcher, Joe Darden, David Delaney, Owen Dwyer, Jan Kodras, Micaela Di Leonardo, Mark Ellis, Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Steven Holloway, John Paul Jones III, Claire Jean Kim, Audrey Kobayashi, Wei Li, Laura Y. Liu, Susan Mains, Wolfgang Natter, Linda Peake, Geraldine Pratt, Roberta Spalter-Roth, Rich Schein, Gerald Thomas, Bobby Wilson, Clyde Woods, Richard Wright, and Patricia Zavella. 8See endnote 5.

Funding Information:
This essay introduces a collection of “think pieces”—conceptual, theoretical, editorial, normative essays on geography and race/racism. The collected essays follow from a National Science Foundation and Canadian Embassy– funded workshop on race and geography held in 1998. This introduction provides a brief background summary of the social and disciplinary context for the workshop and for scholarly work on race and geography, and a brief summary and thematic categorization of the individual essays gathered here.


  • Geography
  • Race
  • Racialization
  • Racism

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Geography, Planning and Development
  • Earth-Surface Processes


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