Iterated socles and integral dependence in regular rings

Alberto Corso, Shiro Goto, Craig Huneke, Claudia Polini, Bernd Ulrich

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3 Scopus citations


Let R be a formal power series ring over a field, with maximal ideal m, and let I be an ideal of R. We study iterated socles of I, that is, ideals of the form I:R ms for positive integers s. We are interested in iterated socles in connection with the notion of integral dependence of ideals. In this article we show that iterated socles are integral over I, with reduction number at most one, provided s ≤ o(I1d)) − 1, where o(I1d)) is the order of the ideal of entries of the last map in a minimal free R-resolution of R/I. In characteristic zero, we also provide formulas for the generators of iterated socles whenever s ≤ o(I1d)). This result generalizes previous work of Herzog, who gave formulas for the socle generators of any homogeneous ideal I in terms of Jacobian determinants of the entries of the matrices in a minimal homogeneous free R-resolution of R/I. Applications are given to iterated socles of determinantal ideals with generic height. In particular, we give surprisingly simple formulas for iterated socles of height two ideals in a power series ring in two variables. The generators of these socles are suitable determinants obtained from the Hilbert-Burch matrix.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)53-72
Number of pages20
JournalTransactions of the American Mathematical Society
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2018

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2017 American Mathematical Society.


  • Determinantal ideals
  • Free resolutions
  • Integral dependence of ideals
  • Jacobian ideals
  • Socle of a local ring

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Mathematics
  • Applied Mathematics


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