Lattice point generating functions and symmetric cones

Matthias Beck, Thomas Bliem, Benjamin Braun, Carla D. Savage

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We show that a recent identity of Beck-Gessel-Lee-Savage on the generating function of symmetrically constrained compositions of integers generalizes naturally to a family of convex polyhedral cones that are invariant under the action of a finite reflection group. We obtain general expressions for the multivariate generating functions of such cones, and work out their general form more specifically for all symmetry groups of type A (previously known) and types B and D (new). We obtain several applications of these expressions in type B, including identities involving permutation statistics and lecture hall partitions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)543-566
Number of pages24
JournalJournal of Algebraic Combinatorics
Issue number3
StatePublished - Nov 2013

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Acknowledgements We thank the anonymous referees for their thoughtful comments. M.B. is partially supported by the NSF (DMS-0810105 & DMS-1162638). T.B. has been supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SPP 1388). B.B. is partially supported by the NSF (DMS-0758321). We are grateful to the American Institute of Mathematics for supporting our SQuaRE working group “Polyhedral Geometry and Partition Theory” where our collaboration on this work began.


Acknowledgements We thank the anonymous referees for their thoughtful comments. M.B. is partially supported by the NSF (DMS-0810105 & DMS-1162638). T.B. has been supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SPP 1388). B.B. is partially supported by the NSF (DMS-0758321). We are grateful to the American Institute of Mathematics for supporting our SQuaRE working group “Polyhedral Geometry and Partition Theory” where our collaboration on this work began.

FundersFunder number
National Science Foundation Arctic Social Science ProgramDMS-0810105, DMS-1162638
National Science Foundation Arctic Social Science Program
Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences0758321, 0810105
Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftDMS-0758321, SPP 1388
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


    • Coxeter group
    • Finite reflection group
    • Lattice point generating function
    • Lecture hall partition
    • Permutation statistics
    • Polyhedral cone
    • Symmetrically constrained composition

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Algebra and Number Theory
    • Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics


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