Lattice study of light scalar tetraquarks with I=0,2,1/2,3/2: Are σ and κ tetraquarks?

Sasa Prelovsek, Terrence Draper, Christian B. Lang, Markus Limmer, Keh Fei Liu, Nilmani Mathur, Daniel Mohler

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82 Scopus citations


We investigate whether the lightest scalar mesons σ and κ have a large tetraquark component q̄q̄qq, as is strongly supported by many phenomenological studies. A search for possible light tetraquark states with JPC=0++ and I=0,2,1/2,3/2 on the lattice is presented. We perform the two-flavor dynamical simulation with chirally improved quarks and the quenched simulation with overlap quarks, finding qualitative agreement between both results. The spectrum is determined using the generalized eigenvalue method with a number of tetraquark interpolators at the source and the sink, and we omit the disconnected contractions. The time dependence of the eigenvalues at the finite temporal extent of the lattice is explored also analytically. In all the channels, we unavoidably find the lowest scattering states π(k)π(-k) or K(k)π(-k) with back-to-back momentum k=0,2π/L,.... However, we find an additional light state in the I=0 and I=1/2 channels, which may be interpreted as the observed resonances σ and κ with a sizable tetraquark component. In the exotic repulsive channels I=2 and I=3/2, where no resonance is observed, we find no light state in addition to the scattering states.

Original languageEnglish
Article number094507
JournalPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Issue number9
StatePublished - Nov 24 2010

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics
  • Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)


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