Longitudinal Results From the Nationwide Just ASK Initiative to Promote Routine Smoking Assessment in American College of Surgeons-Accredited Cancer Programs

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PURPOSE Persistent smoking after cancer diagnosis causes adverse outcomes while smoking cessation can improve survival. Thus, integration of smoking assessment and cessation assistance into routine cancer care is critical. Aiming for incremental practice change that could be sustained and built upon through future quality improvement (QI) projects, the American College of Surgeons initiated Just ASK in 2022 to increase implementation of smoking assessment among its accredited Cancer Programs. This manuscript describes outcomes from Just ASK. METHODS Seven hundred sixty-two programs enrolled in this cohort study, followed Plan Do Study Act methodology, and used local QI teams to facilitate practice change. The primary outcome was the ask rate (ie, patients asked/patients seen). Programs completed three surveys across the 1-year study (89.8% retention), answering questions about their program plus organizational readiness, implementation barriers, implementation strategies, and clinical practices related to assessing smoking among patients newly diagnosed with cancer. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics and analysis of change over time (eg, McNemar chi-squares). RESULTS Programs (53.1% community-based) tended to report moderate organizational readiness, multiple implementation barriers, and adoption of 4.63 ± 1.49 of eight possible implementation strategies (eg, training staff/providers). Programs reported frequency of assessing smoking status, documenting it in the electronic health record, advising patients who smoke to quit, and documenting advice and treatment increased over time (all P <.001). The ask rate increased from baseline to mid to final survey (P <.01; 87.79% v 88.65% v 91.92%, respectively). CONCLUSION Just ASK is the latest, and by far the largest, endeavor to improve assessment of cancer patients' smoking status. Participants reported significant advances within a short time span and study results underscore the potential for national accreditation organizations to transform oncology practice.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberJCO.24.00304
JournalJournal of Clinical Oncology
StateAccepted/In press - 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© American Society of Clinical Oncology.

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Oncology
  • Cancer Research


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