Mise en Scène and the Decisive Moment of Visual Legal Rhetoric

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


This article explores the attorney author’s understanding and implementation of principles that define how visual rhetorical works fulfill the task of effective visual communication and advocacy. These principles — referred to as mise en scène — will guide the attorney author in the identification or creation of works that will exhibit the “decisive moment” of effective visual rhetoric in legal contexts. In equal measure, knowledge and understanding of these principles will enable litigators to design and use effective visuals, and to challenge or respond to the visual rhetorical works proffered by their opponents.

The article displays and analyzes a series of works of visual rhetoric and critiques the power and potential effectiveness of the image for the communication of the message or argument of the author. The goal of an attorney’s effort should be to choose or create images that show the decisive moment of the client’s narrative or the point of argument that the image is to communicate. This article will guide attorney authors in setting the stage for effective visual legal rhetoric.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)241-313
JournalUniversity of Kansas Law Review
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 9 2019


  • Visual Rhetoric
  • Narrativity
  • Storytelling
  • Applied Legal Storytelling
  • Visual Legal Rhetoric
  • Visual Communication


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