Mouse serum amyloid A protein. Complete amino acid sequence and mRNA analysis of a new isoform

M. C. De Beer, F. C. De Beer, C. M. Beach, I. Carreras, J. D. Sipe

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25 Scopus citations


Four serum amyloid A protein (SAA) genes and two gene products, apo-SAA1 and apo-SAA2 were identified in BALB/c mice (type A). SJL/J mice (type B) are thought to be defective in apo-SAA2 expression. A unique variant of mouse apo-SAA was identified in SJL/J mice by isoelectric-focusing analysis of high-density lipoprotein from endotoxin-treated mice. Complete amino-acid-sequence analysis of this quantitatively major form of SJL/J apo-SAA (pI 5.9) showed it to be identical with the apo-SAA2 isoform from BALB/c mice, except for the substitution of aspartic acid for alanine at position 101. Isoform-specific analysis of mRNA from liver of BALB/c and SJL/J mice and their F1 hybrid progeny (CSJLF1/J) mice revealed further differences in the 3' untranslated regions of the genes, not only encoding apo-SAA2 and apo-SAA pI 5.9, but also apo-SAA1. The SAA genes of SJL/J mice thus differ from BALB/c in exon 4. Additional minor isoforms corresponding to apo-SAA2 (pI 6.3) in SJL/J mice and apo-SAA (pI 5.9) in BALB/c mice were identified. We propose that, when analysing a multigene family such as SAA, thorough analysis at the protein level should complement molecular-biological approaches where the use of a too-limited repertoire of probes can obscure complexities.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)673-678
Number of pages6
JournalBiochemical Journal
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1992

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Biochemistry
  • Molecular Biology
  • Cell Biology


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