Murine Cytomegalovirus Immediate-Early 1 Gene Expression Correlates with Increased GVHD after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation in Recipients Reactivating from Latent Infection

Senthilnathan Palaniyandi, Sabarinath Venniyil Radhakrishnan, Fridrik J. Karlsson, Karen Y. Stokes, Nicolai Kittan, Elisabeth Huber, Gerhard C. Hildebrandt

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11 Scopus citations


The success of allogeneic (allo) hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) is limited by its treatment related complications, mostly graft versus host disease (GVHD) and fungal and viral infections. CMV reactivation after HCT has been associated with increased morbidity and mortality, and a causal relation between GVHD, immunosuppressive therapy and vice versa has been postulated. Using a low GVHD severity murine HCT model, we assessed the role of MCMV reactivation and GVHD development. BALB/c mice were infected with either murine CMV (MCMV) or mock and monitored for 25 weeks to establish latency, followed by sublethal irradiation conditioning and infusion of bone marrow plus splenocytes from either syngeneic (syn) BALB/c or allo B10.D2 donors. Engraftment of allo donor cells was confirmed by PCR for D2Mit265 gene product size. Day+100 mortality and overall GVHD severity in allo MCMV pre-infected recipients was higher than in allo mock controls. Pathologic changes of lung and liver GVHD in immediate-early gene 1 (IE1) positive recipients were significantly increased compared to mock controls, and were only slightly increased in IE1 negative. No significant gut injury was seen in any group. Aggravated lung injury in IE1 positive recipients correlated with higher BAL cell counts both for total cells and for CD4+ T cells when compared with mock controls, and also with protein expression of lung IFN-gamma and liver TNF. No evidence for CMV specific morphologic changes was seen on histopathology in any organ of IE1 positive recipients, suggesting that CMV reactivation is related to increased GVHD severity but does not require active CMV disease, strengthening the concept of a reciprocal relationship between CMV and GVHD.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere61841
JournalPLoS ONE
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 15 2013

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