Partnering for Growth: How medical librarians joined special and academic librarians to plan a joint conference

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Background: After struggling with declining membership and decreased networking opportunities, the Kentucky Medical Library Association (KMLA) joined the Kentucky Library Association Special Libraries Roundtable, the Kentucky Association of College and Research Libraries, and the Special Libraries Association - Kentucky, to plan a joint conference. The goal of KMLA's participation was to boost medical librarian involvement in state library initiatives, improve organizational finances, and improve collaboration between state medical librarians and librarians of other specialties.

Description: Two volunteers from KMLA were involved in all conference planning processes which included attending meetings and site visits and selecting and booking a keynote speaker. We considered KMLA involvement a success if 1) there was significant involvement and attendance by KMLA members, 2) our participation generated more money than we spent on the keynote speaker, and 3) our members reported that they benefited from participation.

Conclusion: Ultimately, our participation was a success. Nearly 50% of KMLA members attended the conference and presented lightning talks. We also earned a profit of approximately $800. Most importantly, members reported that they made connections with colleagues with whom they might not otherwise interact. Not only were our members able to apply what they learned at the conference to their own work, but members were also able to advocate on behalf of health sciences libraries and demonstrate commonalities between our work and the work of other librarians. As a result of this successful collaboration, KMLA is continuing to help plan the next joint conference in March 2023 and this presentation will report on the outcome of this second conference, as well.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - May 2023
EventMedical Library Association Annual Meeting - Detroit , United States
Duration: May 16 2023May 19 2023


ConferenceMedical Library Association Annual Meeting
Country/TerritoryUnited States


  • medical librarianship
  • special libraries
  • Partnerships


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