Predicting and Moderating the Response to the Unified Protocol: Do Baseline Personality and Affective Profiles Matter?

J. Osma, O. Peris-Baquero, C. Suso-Ribera, S. Sauer-Zavala, D. H. Barlow

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

18 Scopus citations


Background: Neuroticism (N), extraversion (E), and negative/positive affect (NA/PA) are personality/affective characteristics highly related to the etiology and maintenance of emotional disorders (EDs). This study aims at exploring the moderating role of baseline personality/ and affectivity profiles in the response to a transdiagnostic psychological treatment for EDs. Methods: Outcomes were N, E, NA, PA, depression, and anxiety. These were assessed at baseline, post-treatment, and 3-month follow-up in 157 participants with EDs who received the Unified Protocol (UP) in group format in the Spanish Health System. A linear mixed model analysis was carried out to investigate different recovery trajectories as a function of baseline personality and affective profiles Results: Significant changes occurred in all variables after the UP. Medium and high baseline scores in N and NA moderate the largest changes on N, NA and E while lower baseline scores in PA and E moderate the largest changes on E and PA. Changes over time on depression and anxiety symptoms were not predicted from personality/affect baseline scores. Conclusion: The study results support the short-medium term utility of the UP to address all study outcomes. Moreover, personalizing interventions according to baseline personality/affect might be a sensible strategy to enhance the UP effectiveness. Trial registration number NCT03064477 (March 10, 2017).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)817-830
Number of pages14
JournalCognitive Therapy and Research
Issue number4
StatePublished - Aug 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC part of Springer Nature.


  • Affect
  • Emotional disorders
  • Extraversion
  • Moderation analysis
  • Neuroticism
  • Unified protocol

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Experimental and Cognitive Psychology
  • Clinical Psychology


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