Priming of peripheral lymph node B cells with TNP-Ficoll: Role of lymphokines in B cell differentiation

S. Niranjan Goud, Alan M. Kaplan, Bondada Subbarao

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10 Scopus citations


We have previously shown that peripheral lymph node (PLN) B lymphocytes of adult DBA/ 2J mice failed to make an antibody response to type 2 antigen TNP-Ficoll, but exhibited a good antibody response to type 1 antigen TNP-brucella abortus. In the present study we wanted to find out whether the unresponsiveness of PLN B cells to TNP-Ficoll is due to defects in the early activation and proliferation stage or in the final differentiation stage of B cells. Therefore, we have used a two-step protocol of in vivo immunization of mice with TNP-Ficoll and the subsequent in vitro challenge with TNP-Brucella abortus and studied the anti-TNP plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses. The results indicate a three- to sixfold increase of PFC responses in PLN cell cultures derived from TNP-Ficoll-primed animals compared to saline control mice. This increased antibody response was TNP-specific as 93% of the PFC's were inhibited by TNP-lysine. Limiting dilution experiments confirm that the increase in anti-TNP PFC response from the TNP-Ficoll-primed animals was indeed due to an increase in TNP-specific precursor B cells. Further, the addition of rIL-5 or rIL-6 induced anti-TNP PFC in the TNP-Ficoll-primed and in control PLN cell cultures in the presence of antigen. However, in primed PLN cells lymphokines alone were sufficient to restore anti-TNP PFC response. In conclusion, our results show that in PLN, the TNP-Ficoll can induce proliferation of hapten-specific B cells but not final differentiation. These primed PLN B cells mature into antibody-secreting cells upon stimulation with TNP-BA or lymphokines.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)407-416
Number of pages10
JournalCellular Immunology
Issue number2
StatePublished - Oct 15 1992

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
We thank Dr. Richard J. Kryscio, Departmento f StatisticsU, niversityof Kentucky, for analyzingt he datao f limiting dilution assaysa nd Ms. CharleneD avis of our departmenfto r the excellents ecretariahl elp. This work wass upportedb y a grantf romt heU niversityo f KentuckyT obaccoa nd HealthR esearchIn stitute, and by the NIH Grants AI 121 490,A GO5731 , and a ResearchC areerD evelopmenAt ward K04 AGO0422 from the National Instituteo f Health to B.S.

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Immunology


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