Proton states in Bk247 excited by Cm246(α,t) reaction and Cf247 (electron capture) and Es251 (α) decays

I. Ahmad, S. W. Yates, R. K. Sjoblom, A. M. Friedman

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18 Scopus citations


Proton states in Bk247 have been investigated by measuring the γ rays and conversion electrons associated with the electron capture decay of the 3.11-h Cf247, Es251 α spectrum, and triton spectrum produced in the Cm246(α,t)Bk247 reaction. The γ-ray spectra were measured with a 25-cm3 coaxial Ge(Li) diode and the electron spectrum was measured with a cooled Si(Li) spectrometer. Multipolarities of the intense transitions in Bk247 were deduced and the logft values were derived from measured electron capture intensities. Triton spectra from the Cm246(α,t) reaction at bombarding energies of 28.0 and 29.0 MeV were momentum analyzed with an Enge split-pole magnetic spectrograph. Spectroscopic factors were derived from the measured cross sections and were found to be in good agreement with respective values calculated with single-particle wave functions. The Es251 α spectrum was measured with the Argonne double-focussing magnetic spectrometer; five α groups were observed. On the basis of the results of the present investigation the following proton orbitals were identified in Bk247: 32-[521], 0; 72+[633], 40.8; 52+[642], 334.9; 52-[523], 447.8; 1/2 + [400], 487; 1/2 - [521], 704; I=92,72-[514], 904; and I=132,92+[624],1166 keV. RADIOACTIVITY Cf247 [from Cm246 (α, 3n)]; measured Eγ, Iα, Ece, Ice, Es251 [from Cf249 (α,2n), Fm246→ECEs251]; measured Eα, Iα; deduced hindrance factors. NUCLEAR REACTIONS Cm246(α,t), E=28.0, 29.0 MeV; measured E (excitation), σ. Bk247 deduced levels, logft (EC), γ multipolarity, I, π, eight single-particle states. Mass-separated Cf247, Es251, and Cm246.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)290-297
Number of pages8
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1979

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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