Response of peanut (Arachis hypogaea) and selected weeds to diclosulam

William A. Bailey, John W. Wilcut, David L. Jordan, Charles W. Swann, Vernon B. Langston

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

23 Scopus citations


Field studies were conducted at five locations in North Carolina and Virginia during 1996 and 1997 to evaluate weed control, peanut (Arachis hypogaea) response, and peanut yield following diclosulam applied preplant incorporated (PPI) and in systems with commercial herbicide standards. All plots received a PPI treatment of ethalfluralin at 840 g ai/ha. Ethalfluralin plus diclosulam controlled entireleaf morningglory (Ipomoea hederacea var. integriuscula), ivyleaf morningglory (I. hederacea), pitted morningglory (I. lacunosa), common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album), eclipta (Eclipta prostrata), and prickly sida (Sida spinosa) as well as and frequently better than ethalfluralin PPI followed by (fb) acifluorfen plus bentazon postemergence (POST), paraquat plus bentazon early postemergence (EPOST) fb imazapic POST, or imazapic POST. Systems with ethalfluralin plus diclosulam PPI at 26 g ai/ha fb acifluorfen plus bentazon POST controlled a broader spectrum of weeds and yielded greater than systems of ethalfluralin PPI fb imazapic POST or ethalfluralin PPI fb acifluorfen plus bentazon POST Peanut exhibited excellent tolerance to diclosulam PPI at 17, 26, or 35 g/ha.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)771-776
Number of pages6
JournalWeed Technology
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1999


  • 2,4-DB
  • Herbicide injury
  • Weed control
  • Yield

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Agronomy and Crop Science
  • Plant Science


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