Rural/Urban Disparities in the Utilization of Health and Behavioral Assessments/Interventions in the Fee-for-Service Medicare Population

Christian Rhudy, Eugene Shin, Jeffery C. Talbert, Jeffery C. Talbert

Research output: Other contribution


Overview of Key Findings

In 2016, rural county residents represented 21.8% of the fee-for-service (FFS) Medicare population, but only 1.6% of rural FFS beneficiaries live in a county with local utilization of Health and Behavioral Assessments and Interventions (HBAI) services.Utilization of HBAI services in 2016 occurred in 19 (9.7%) rural counties and 176 (90.3%) urban counties.Average utilization rates of HBAI services were higher in rural counties than urban counties (0.7% vs. 0.4%).
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Jun 1 2020


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