Science in Our Community: An Interdisciplinary STEM Unit on Viruses, Wastewater, and Public Health

Sahar Alameh, Sagan Goodpaster, Jeffrey M. Chalfant

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


The presentation begins with an introduction to our NIH interdisciplinary initiative followed by an overview of the unit. This phenomenon-based unit is composed of 6 3D lessons aligned with the NGSS. Participants will engage in various science and Nature of Science activities focusing on how to support students in developing informed views about science. Presenters will share examples of actual student work, teacher feedback and other relevant artifacts. Activities include interactive Jamboard on living and nonliving things exploring viruses, sharing what students from our study know about coronaviruses, tackling the misconception of "COVID-19 is just the flu", and modeling viral spread using a simplified mathematical model for high school. Finally, examples of actual student’s public health reports connecting wastewater surveillance to community decision making will be showcased. The presentation will end with a discussion on adoption considerations for others and future improvements.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationNational Science Teacher Association (NSTA) conference
Subtitle of host publicationPaper presented for presentation at the National Science Teacher Association (NSTA) conference
StatePublished - Oct 2023


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