Teaching thermodynamics through video media

James P. Abulencia, Margot A. Vigeant, David L. Silverstein

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

6 Scopus citations


This paper discusses the teaching of concepts in an introductory thermodynamics course through video. This generation of students is technology savvy, and regularly communicates by means other than face-to-face interactions (e.g. texting). Additionally, the popularity of sites such as Khan Academy makes the idea of teaching with video difficult to ignore. Thus, we assert that there is value in using this media for instruction, and that this media can be leveraged for use in a chemical engineering course. During this study, students will be asked to 1) take a concept discussed during class, and articulate it in video media using everyday examples that other students can relate to (autodidactic learning) 2) watch peer-made videos that teach these concepts (peer-to-peer learning), and 3) a combination of both. Student learning will be evaluated using an established thermodynamics concept inventory. Ultimately, the authors envision a repository of videos where students from other institutions can contribute, and content be shared for use by other instructors.

Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2013
Event120th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition - Atlanta, GA, United States
Duration: Jun 23 2013Jun 26 2013


Conference120th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityAtlanta, GA

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering


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