The drugs-violence nexus among rural felony probationers

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15 Scopus citations


Little research has focused on the drugs-violence nexus in rural areas. As such, the purpose of this study is to use Goldstein's tripartite conceptual framework to examine the relationship between drugs and violence among felony probationers in rural Appalachian Kentucky (n = 799). Data on demo-graphics, substance use criminal history, and violence were collected between 2001 and 2004 using an interviewer-administered questionnaire. Rural probationers are partitioned into four groups based on lifetime violent victimization/perpetration experiences: (a) neither a perpetrator nor a victim, (b) perpetrator only, (c) victim only, and (d) both a perpetrator and a victim. Chi-square analyses indicate substance use, and criminal history varies across the four groups. Binary logistic regression analyses are used to explore the significant correlates of both perpetration and victimization. Multivariate analyses support both the psychopharmacological model and the economic compulsive models of perpetration and victimization. Further implications of these findings are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1285-1303
Number of pages19
JournalJournal of Interpersonal Violence
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 2009


FundersFunder number
National Institute on Drug AbuseK01DA021309


    • Drugs-violence nexus
    • Probationers
    • Rural

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Clinical Psychology
    • Applied Psychology


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