The rRNA epitranscriptome and myonuclear SNORD landscape in skeletal muscle fibers contributes to ribosome heterogeneity and is altered by hypertrophic stimulus

M. Cui, P. Jannig, M. Halladjian, V. C. Figueiredo, Y. Wen, Jr. Vechetti I. J., N. Krogh, B. Jude, S. Edman, J. Lanner, J. McCarthy, K. A. Murach, T. Sejersen, H. Nielsen, F. von Walden

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


In cell biology, ribosomal RNA (rRNA) 2'O-methyl (2'-O-Me) is the most prevalent post-transcriptional chemical modification contributing to ribosome heterogeneity. The modification involves a family of small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) and is specified by box C/D snoRNAs (SNORDs). Given the importance of ribosome biogenesis for skeletal muscle growth, we asked if rRNA 2'-O-Me in nascent ribosomes synthesized in response to a growth stimulus is an unrecognized mode of ribosome heterogeneity in muscle. To determine the pattern and dynamics of 2'-O-Me rRNA, we used a sequencing-based profiling method called RiboMeth-seq. We applied this method to tissue-derived rRNA of skeletal muscle and rRNA specifically from the muscle fiber using an inducible myofiber-specific RiboTag mouse in sedentary and mechanically overloaded conditions. These analyses were complemented by myonuclear-specific small RNA sequencing to profile SNORDs and link the rRNA epitranscriptome to known regulatory elements generated within the muscle fiber. We demonstrate for the first time that mechanical overload of skeletal muscle 1) induces decreased 2'-O-Me at a subset of skeletal muscle rRNAand 2) alters the SNORD profile in isolated myonuclei. These findings point to a transient diversification of the ribosome pool via 2'-O-Me during growth and adaptation in skeletal muscle. These findings suggest changes in ribosome heterogeneity at the 2'-O-Me level during muscle hypertrophy and lay the foundation for studies investigating the functional implications of these newly identified "growth-induced" ribosomes.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalAmerican Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology
StatePublished - 2024

Bibliographical note

Cui, Minying Jannig, Paulo Halladjian, Maral Figueiredo, Vandre C Wen, Yuan Vechetti, Ivan J Jr Krogh, Nicolai Jude, Baptiste Edman, Sebastian Lanner, Johanna McCarthy, John Murach, Kevin A Sejersen, Thomas Nielsen, Henrik von Walden, Ferdinand eng NEYE-Foundation/ 2022/10,2023/09/Centrum for idrottsforskning (CIF)/ 2022-01392/Vetenskapsradet (VR)/ 23137/AFM-Telethon/ MOST | NSFC | Joint Research Fund for Overseas Chinese Scholars and Scholars in Hong Kong and Macao/ Health@InnoHK/ Carlsbergfondet (Carlsberg Foundation)/ P20GM104320-07/HHS | National Institutes of Health (NIH)/ AG063994/HHS | NIH | National Institute on Aging (NIA)/ R00 AG063994/AG/NIA NIH HHS/ Ake Wiberg Stiftelse (Ake Wiberg Foundation)/ AR081367/HHS | NIH | National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS)/ Sveriges Lakarforbund (SMA)/ 2024/06/24 Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2024 Jun 24. doi: 10.1152/ajpcell.00301.2024.


  • epitranscriptomics hypertrophy ribosome heterogeneity skeletal muscle


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