Unconventional interlayer exchange coupling via chiral phonons in synthetic magnetic oxide heterostructures

Seung Gyo Jeong, Jiwoong Kim, Ambrose Seo, Sungkyun Park, Hu Young Jeong, Young Min Kim, Valeria Lauter, Takeshi Egami, Jung Hoon Han, Woo Seok Choi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

27 Scopus citations


Chiral symmetry breaking of phonons plays an essential role in emergent quantum phenomena owing to its strong coupling to spin degree of freedom. However, direct experimental evidence of the chiral phonon–spin coupling is lacking. In this study, we report a chiral phonon–mediated interlayer exchange interaction in atomically controlled ferromagnetic metal (SrRuO3)–nonmagnetic insulator (SrTiO3) heterostructures. Owing to the unconventional interlayer exchange interaction, we have observed rotation of spins as a function of nonmagnetic insulating spacer thickness, resulting in a spin spiral state. The chiral phonon–spin coupling is further confirmed by phonon Zeeman effect. The existence of the chiral phonons and their interplay with spins along with our atomic-scale heterostructure approach unveil the crucial roles of chiral phonons in magnetic materials.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbereabm4005
JournalScience advances
Issue number4
StatePublished - Jan 2022

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