
David Gore, Robert Q. Frazer, Robert E. Kovarik, Juan E. Yepes

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    17 Scopus citations


    Vitallium® is a base metal alloy that has been used in dentistry and medicine since 1929. This article will focus on the historical perspectives of Vitallium® and include the dental and medical applications used today. The physical and chemical properties of Vitallium® will be discussed, with particular emphasis on the biocompatibility of the metal. Finally, the future uses of Vitallium® will be examined, as will the potential dangers in fabricating prostheses using this base metal alloy.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)673-686
    Number of pages14
    JournalJournal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants
    Issue number6
    StatePublished - 2005


    • Cobalt-chromium alloys
    • Hip prosthesis
    • Implants
    • Stellite
    • Vitallium®

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Biomedical Engineering
    • General Dentistry


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